
canadian maple syrup

The Master Cleanse " This is to help promote weight loss and detoxifacation through the use of 32 oz of water, fresh lemon juice, maple syrup "B," and a pinch of

cayenne pepper.

canadian maple syrup

People claim they temporarily lose weight but long term weight loss is rare. Sure, you may lose weight temporarily, but the moment you put food in your mouth, it goes

right back on and them some. People who do the master cleanser just to lose weight need to understand that's its simply a quick fix and not lasting change.

Now if you really want to lose weight, here's a great alternative to the master cleanser: There is an amzing all natural Fat Burning supplement
called Fat Burning Lemonade. Here is what you do . Create your own Fat Burning Lemonade master cleanser. Replace the maple syrup with Fat Burning Lemonade. * Now

you're giving the master cleanser three critical functions.
1. Cleanse. The natural ingredients Fat Burning Lemonade literally goes into your body and shuttles out free-radical scavengers.
2. Burn Fat . Fat Burning Lemonade literally goes deep into our mitochondria and converts our fatty acid to energy.
3. Energize. Fat Burning Lemonade is an incredible energizer. But Instead of spiking your insulin for energy like maple syrup does, the Fat Burning Lemonade has zero

effect on insulin; thus your energy is natural and sustained. These functions will turbo-charge your master cleanser .

Remember, you don't want to shut down your metabolism, so here's a specific to-do list on how to lose weight naturally and effectively:
Make your Fat Burning Lemonade master cleanser first thing upon arising. To 32 oz of spring water, add 2 teaspoons of Fat Burning Lemonade, juice of a whole lemon, and

about a quarter-teaspoon of cayenne pepper. Shake it up, drink 8 quinces of it immediately. Add some more lemon and fill it back up with water. Sip it throughout your


The Fat Burning Lemonade master cleanser is great for hydration and a great catalyst for a sensible diet, but never use it in place of food. If you're trying to lose

weight, you need to add alkalizing foods. For example, go green for a day, downing things like green juices, colorful salads, steamed vegetables and broth-based,

veggie-rich soups. Stay away from red meat, salt, caffeine and sugars. Keep it lean, keep it green, drink Fat Burning Lemonade and drop weight naturally. Increase your

body's metabolism, don't shut it down.
For those who are not heard about lemon juice maple syrup diet, Lemon Juice Maple Syrup Diet is a wonderful and healthy detoxification diet that helps you to reduce

about 20 pounds of your extra fat within a period of 10 days. There are many persons who have already been benefitted with this miraculous diet.

Mapel Syrup Diet is also popular with various other names like Master Cleanse Lemonade Diet, Lemonade Cleansing and is a diet of most famous and popular personalities

of Hollywood as well as public life. In fact, this is a very old method of losing weight. About six decades back it was used only to detoxify body; but today it is

used to reduce fat besides detoxifying body. Now let us see how it words. This syrup diet is very simple with nothing complicated about it. You will find all

guidelines in writing along with this Lemon Juice Maple Syrup Diet.

Mapel Syrup is a lemon detox diet that cleanses and vents out harmful toxins from the body. This lemon detox is taken when you wake up in the morning and at night when

you go to bed. The main ingredients of this amazing healthy detoxification diet are fresh squeezed lemon juice, cayenne pepper and maple syrup grade B.

As claimed by proponents of this syrup diet, is a most effective weight loss plan as you are not taking anything else but this diet.
maple syrup
Lemon Juice Maple Syrup Diet is a 10 days course; but it melts weight melting very quickly. For the initial three days you need to occupy yourself to some other

activities, particularly at the time that you would normally have your meal, and divert your mind off eating.

With this wonderful Maple Syrup diet you can reduce one to two pounds of your weight daily besides feeling much lighter, more energetic and clarity in mind. This is a

healthy detoxification diet that contains all nutrition you need.

While there are some people who were unable to get pass the initial three days due to hunger. It is because your body is used to the normal diet you have been taking

for years that you are not taking now and it takes some time to adapt for this lemon juice. If you strictly follow the diet, after three days, the hunger gradually

vanishes. From fifth day onwards you will start feeling more energetic. You can stick to this diet for adequately long period of time to acquire maximum benefits from

this syrup diet.

In some cases the user of this syrup diet have experienced fatigue and mental irritability, extreme hunger pangs and stomach related aches from 3 to 10 days. During

this period, the dieter should consume at least 8 to 12 glasses of this lemon detox.

When the set duration of 10 days is over, you can start eating healthy foods at a very slow pace. The first day thereafter you can take fruit juices and unsweetened

fluids and on the second day after completion of your healthy detoxification diet plan you can take soup. From third day onwards you should resume your normal diet.
One of the basic ingredients needed in the master cleanse diet syrup is the maple syrup. Aside from providing the lemonade with much needed flavor, it also provides

many of the required vitamins and nutrients for the diet. In most Master Cleanse diets, the standard instructions are to use Grade B maple syrup. Most plans will be

strict in using this grade of syrup and instruct you not to use other kinds, because they are not suitable for the Master Cleanse Diet.

Master cleanse diet syrup was chosen for the Master Cleanse because it is a very high quality, concentrated source of energy when consumed in its purest state. It's

packed full of nutrients, minerals and vitamins. Maple syrup is generally divided into two major grades, Grade A and Grade B. Grade A is broken down into three sub

categories; Light Amber, also known as fancy, Medium Amber, and Dark Amber. Grade B is usually darker that Grade A. A non-table grade of syrup is also produced. It is

called Grade C, or commercial maple syrup. All these grades of maple syrup are sold by liquid volume and not weight.


Traditionally, maple syrup is harvested by tapping a maple tree through the tree's bark and into the wood, then letting the sap run into a bucket. Less labor-intensive

methods such as the use of continuous plastic pipelines have since been invented, and are used in all but cottage-scale production. Maple syrup has a number of

nutritional benefits. It is low in fructose compared to other popular sweeteners such as high-fructose corn syrup and agave syrup. Maple syrup is also an excellent

source of the trace mineral manganese, zinc and protein.


Some of the most common questions about the Master Cleanse involve whether there are possible alternatives to Grade B maple syrup. The fact is that the maple syrup is

one of the most important ingredients needed to make the Master Cleanse work. Many people will look for easier, more convenient substitutes to the maple syrup. Maple

syrup or more specifically, Grade B organic maple syrup, is needed to make the Master Cleanse work as it was intended to. It makes the detoxification, the weight loss

and the regaining of energy possible for the person in the Cleanse.